Migadi Ntakos - Rusk

  • Availability: In stock
  • Code: M5031
7,00 price.perUnitTitle

Our products are shipped by courier in all of Greece !

* The only returns that will be accepted for ready-packaged products, such as: Rusks package , bisquits in ready-made packs of 380g, etc., not bulk products.

** Returns of ready-made packages should be made within 5 days from the day of their receipt.


Handmade migadi ntakos with natural sourdough.
Package: 840gr

Handmade migadi ntakos is made of absolutely natural sourdough and pure raw materials and it needs 48 hours of preparation. It will remind you of the rusks that our grandparents were making in the village.


Category Rusk
Availability In stock
Tags Fasting