Laderes Koumpanies

  • Availability: In stock
  • Code: M5036
8.00 price.perUnitTitle

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* The only returns that will be accepted for ready-packaged products, such as: Rusks package , bisquits in ready-made packs of 380g, etc., not bulk products.

** Returns of ready-made packages should be made within 5 days from the day of their receipt.


Soft, oily and so crunchy koumpanies, full of aromas.
Package: 700gr

Oily koumpanies with strong aromas of cinnamon, cumin and black pepper. They are soft but also crunchy and this makes you want to taste them again and again. The koumpanies are made based on the Mirodati’s traditional recipe.


Availability In stock
Category Rusk
Tags Fasting