
  • Availability: Expected soon
1,50 price.perUnitTitle

Our products are shipped by courier in all of Greece !

* The only returns that will be accepted for ready-packaged products, such as: Rusks package , bisquits in ready-made packs of 380g, etc., not bulk products.

** Returns of ready-made packages should be made within 5 days from the day of their receipt.


Koliva made of hard wheat with almond, raisins, pomegranate, cinnamon and clove.

The term “kolivos” is referred to the seed of cereals, which is the main ingredient of the offering to the departed. One of the old rituals and purposes of the Carnival is the reconciliation of the earth,- in which the seeds of cereal are hiding-, in order to flourish and be fertile. This is the reason why the fest of the Carnival and the All Souls’ Day in greek culture relate. Except from the festive perspective of these traditions, every human should remember the burried ones and the fact that himself is like a seed, that grows, dies and rises up again.


Quantity Package 100g, Package 100g, Tray for 100 people, Tray for 120 people, Tray for 140 people, Tray for 160 people, Tray for 180 people, Tray for 200 people, Tray for 20 people, Tray for 40 people, Tray for 60 people, Tray for 80 people
Category Memorials, Sweets
Availability Expected soon
Tags Fasting